Celestial Care

A 7-session Virtual Doula Care Package

Individually curated to nurture and support you through every stage of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

What’s in it for Mama?

  • Prenatal Bliss Series

    Immerse yourself in a specially crafted 6 class prenatal yoga series designed to enhance your physical well-being, foster relaxation, and promote a positive connection with your changing body.

  • Custom Pregnancy Support Sessions

    Tailored to your unique needs, these sessions provide guidance on navigating the joys and challenges of pregnancy, ensuring you feel empowered and confident throughout this transformative journey.

  • Crafting Your Birth Vision

    Together, we'll create a personalized birth vision, capturing your desires and preferences for a magical birthing experience. Your prayers are our guide as we navigate this journey together.

  • Postpartum Preparedness Sessions

    Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools needed for a smooth transition into postpartum life. We'll explore self-care practices, baby care essentials, and create a postpartum plan that suits your needs.

  • Rituals & Meditations

    Imbue your pregnancy and birth experience with serenity through carefully curated rituals and meditations. Connect with your inner self, fostering peace and mindfulness.

  • Matrescense Love Box

    Receive a thoughtfully curated love box filled with locally crafted surprises, designed to pamper and celebrate you from pregnancy to postpartum. It's a tangible reminder of the love and care surrounding you during this special time.

And so much more!

Book recommendations, playlists, hypnobirthing meditations, recipes, journal prompts, affirmation cards and art projects!

Navigating pregnancy can feel challenging and lonely. Birth can feel scary and overwhelming and the postpartum period is often completely overlooked.

The Celestial Care Package is carefully crafted to support mama through pregnancy with more ease and comfort, with ongoing text support and individually crafted sessions.

We will dig into all things birth like birth place & team, interventions, fears and possibilities; creating a sense of confidence and trust as mama steps through one of life’s most potent portals.

We will craft a postpartum plan based on the four pillars of support: Rest, Nutrition, Warmth & Bodywork plus how to call on your community! What you might expect, your worries, hopes and vision!

Each package is as unique as each mama’s journey. A journey that deserves to be witnessed, held, loved and cherished.

To care for the mothers of the world is to care for the children and the future of humanity.

Investment for a More Empowered Motherhood


Let’s Connect

The Childbearing Year is one of the most transformative in your life whether it is your first or fifth baby. Let’s connect to be sure Celestial Care a good fit for you!

Tell me a little about yourself.